Hello everyone who decided to click on that link.
The following might be a little too much sharing just FYI. If you know me, you know I love to read about people's stories, I would love to read of my friend's lives. I love to read biographies of people past and present. I know FB and IG you get a little taste of the lives we lead, but it's only brief and mostly in pictures. I am a sucker for a person's information (no, not your fuckin' SSN and internet passwords) and knowledge and the reasons why things happen in their lives. Maybe I should have took up Psychology instead of Surgical tech. Anywhos, off track... so yeah, the following will be me sharing. I'll try to throw some weird pictures, cuz what's a Skully blog without some weird shit thrown in there.
Activating both FB and IG at 3am this morning stirred up quite a bit of lovely post comments and PMs askin' where the hell I've been and what I've been doing for the past year and a half. For those interested in knowing in semi detail, I will tell you. But seriously nothing really interesting happened.
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So that started my small kine spiral. I had to run back to my Daddy... Pops, Aunty Patty, and Dustyn took my sad ass in. I felt so defeated, gone was the days of my independence, or partial because I did live with the ex. I know it's not a bad thing I came back to family, I really do, because a lot of people still live with their parents, If you tell me yeah well those people are in their 20s I'm gonna slap the shit out of you, fuckin jerks lol, I fuckin pay rent OK!. I know I'm a lost cause trying to climb out of this hole I've dug myself into just shy of covering it with dirt. But honestly, I love living with them. When I lived with my ex I could count on one hand how much times I saw them. That is over a year period. I worked fulltime and the time I was off I spent it with the ex. He hated driving across town, and we had the same days off and he wanted to not spend it in the car. So I spent that time with him. That is one of many regrets, not visiting them more during that time. But look, It worked out, I see then every fuckin day and I love it! My favorite thing to do is watch Sumo with pops, when there isn't tournaments I'll hang with him and watch sumo match analysis, or old tournaments. I'm currently trying to make the Yokozuna's belt as a necklace. I'm having trouble with the five Shide (lightning bolts) that hangs down, they keep fuckin breaking, I'll figure it out.
The pic insert is my favorite Yokozuna Asashoryu with the belt I'm tryin to make.
I put a pic of her cake popsicle creation
Alright let's move this on...
A couple months past, Covid hit and the shut down happened. I work at Bally's. And since moving to Vegas I've always wanted to work in a casino, the cage to be exact. Hey man, it's Vegas, casino job, that's job security right there right... hmm, nope! Fuuuuuuck this. More depression sets in. Gotta do something productive... never happends. The only productive thing that happened was eating, and playing World of Warcraft. Playing WoW IS productive mind you. My good friend Crystal reached out to me during that time to check up on me, she's so fuckin sweet. I will always thank and credit her for lighting the fire under my ass about this school thing. I had no direction in life and apparently staying in the casino industry was not wise to bank all my chips on. During all the Covid shit you hear of all the Healthcare workers, who are pretty much risking their own lives to help others that have fallen ill to covid. No vaccine and they go to work and help the ill... If that is not super fuckin inspiring then I really don't know what is. Anyone in the healthcare industry has a very important job no matter that they do. It didn't take long to figure out what the fuck I wanted to. I knew I wanted to do something with surgeries. I'm not smart enough, or willing to take on a huge ass student debt that I'm sure I won't pay off before I fuckin die, to be a surgeon, so I decided on a Surgical Tech. I inquired at a school, and said OK. To be honest, If Unemployment and Stimulus checks had not come, I would not have enrolled. If anything good came out of my last relationship it gave me the opportunity to get completely out of credit card debt, and I will thank him for that. So all the money I was able to get from the shutdown I put towards my schooling.
After the lockdown, and Ballys opened back up I lost my fulltime status and hours. SOOOooooo looks like enrolling in school was a smart thing to do huh. I mean aside from continuing your education is always a smart thing to do... Sadly I am old and I really wish I had more direction earlier in my life. Aside from my teacher, I am the oldest in my class lol. Oh yeah and because I catch on quick, get straight As, I run some study groups, and when in class I try to help my classmates come up with the answers instead of just blurting out the answers myself, my teacher said my school is hiring for teachers and asked if I'd be interested in teaching Medical Assisting there... tempting, but I do have an end goal, and teaching isn't it.So that brings us to today, and the end of my social media boycott. I'm in a better place in my head. I struggle with this fuckin shit show of a life I've created for myself, as I'm sure everyone does. Some are way better and equipped to dealing with it. People have shoulders to go to. I don't have a shoulder. I know my friends tell me to just come to them, but I don't. I have a very full bottle. Writing these blogs helps me relive some of the pressure building up. I don't verbally talk to people about it, but this is my outlet. It's more concrete I guess, and I fully understand it is public, and I'm completely OK with the fact everyone can read and judge me if they feel the need to. If you ever read any of my other blogs, you can clearly see I don't give a shit. I say what I want and I do what I want. And it helps me and that's all that matters really.
Holy Crap look what I just found on the interwebs....
I guess I'll be "journaling" more lol. But my handwriting is shit so I guess more internet blogging will be happening. Well aside for the "RL" blog, I have my others that are full of random ramblings that I'll prolly be doing more then this one. As random topics pop into my head and my opinions accumulate I tend to write about it... Should I have gone into creative writing or something?... Shit stop!! ok bye...
I Copy/pasted the below... pretty interesting!
If anyone does decide to pick this "journaling" thing up and make it public, send me a link to it, know that someone would love to read about your fascinating stories.
Journaling for Mental Health
When you were a teenager, you might have kept a diary hidden under your mattress. It was a place to confess your struggles and fears without judgment or punishment. It likely felt good to get all of those thoughts and feelings out of your head and down on paper. The world seemed clearer.
You may have stopped using a diary once you reached adulthood. But the concept and its benefits still apply. Now it’s called journaling. It's simply writing down your thoughts and feelings to understand them more clearly. And if you struggle with stress, depression, or anxiety, keeping a journal can be a great idea. It can help you gain control of your emotions and improve your mental health.
Journaling benefits
One of the ways to deal with any overwhelming emotion is to find a healthy way to express yourself. This makes a journal a helpful tool in managing your mental health. Journaling can help you:
Manage anxiety
Reduce stress
Cope with depression
Journaling helps control your symptoms and improve your mood by:
Helping you prioritize problems, fears, and concerns
Tracking any symptoms day-to-day so that you can recognize triggers and learn ways to better control them
Providing an opportunity for positive self-talk and identifying negative thoughts and behaviors
When you have a problem and you're stressed, keeping a journal can help you identify what’s causing that stress or anxiety. Once you’ve identified your stressors, you can work on a plan to resolve the problems and reduce your stress.