Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New neighbor and other ramblings

Well technically not neighbors, just same complex neighbors I guess... This Thursday co-worker/friend is moving into my apartment complex. So excited for her. I don't think I will be doing this, but she does want me to get out of my house more often. But, but, but... Im a recluse. I don't do well socializing...hehe. We'll see what happends.
Im on here rambling because I got a tad bit annoyed while playing WoW. But meh, that talk can be done on my other blog, so Im not gonna speak of it here.
Oh!!, so most of the family are going to be coming in a couple of days, I requested off for the Thursday/Friday. but they are planning to do dinner more then the 2 nights... which might work out, I have early shifts so unless Im terribly tired from work, I can make it. I was telling Jugga (WoW buddy), this is gonna be cuttin into my WoW time. No bueno indeed... haha, I can suck it up for a couple of days right?... we'll find out. Then later on in the month, Pops, Aunty Patty and Dustyn are coming down. So I wont be too lonely this Holiday month :-)