Sunday, May 14, 2017

Hawaii Vacation/Dustyn Graduation

In 2 days I fly back home. Little Brother Dustyn graduates from High School. Very Proud of him. This Fall he's going to be attending UNLV. I'll try not to smother him and go down there and stalk him and make sure he's OK. Kidding, I know he'll be fine. Sadly I won't see him much when I go back home due to Project Graduation timing against my flight. Its Ok, like I said I'll see him later in the year.

This time I'm going under happier circumstances versus my last trip back home. I know this was a long time ago, and one would think it has been so long get the fuck over it. I am over it, but it will still live with me. Still live with the fact that someone could actually do the shit that happened to me. When you come back to all your shit taken out of your own room and drawers, replaced with some other chicks clothes and bath stuff, you'd freak the fuck out too. No warning, not even a courtesy call saying "it's definitely over, I'm fucking someone else now, and I moved her in". So devastating.  Anywhos, on the upside, That was the best thing that happened to me. I was kicked out, I learned to support myself. Gained my independence, I do what I want, when I want, and I don't have to deal with anyone's bullshit. Well the point to telling that little story was simply that although I know I don't have anyone here to do that shit to me again, it still is the last memory I had of leaving Vegas and coming back to something unbelievably chicken shit that it does leave a bad taste in my mouth. All I gotta think is, That ain't gonna happen this time. It will be a good trip, and I will come back to my life in tact, nothing would be changed, and my heart not ripped out of my chest, threw on the ground and pretty much pissed on.

Alright Back to normal shit. I don't leave for another couple of days. I'm trying to put together an itinerary, but don't have anything down solid. My diet will go to shit during the next week. So much food I want to eat. So much places I wanna go to, just to see whats changed. Several months ago I thought I wanted to try good Hawaiian Food places I've never eaten before. Then recently I thought, meh, I don't really give a shit. I wanna go back to the places I KNOW I like, places that I miss since moving here. Um Fuckin Zippys and Foodland Poke is at the top of my list.  And just hang out and see what the hell more has changed.

I wont let the change of home bother me as much as it did the last time I went back. I am fully expecting it this time. I'm fully aware that  they're "touristing" the place up. It's not really my home anymore anyways. My home is Vegas. The Whities can have Hawaii...