I will be honest, I'm one of those that scroll around on the feed and don't "like" anything. Or I can go a couple days without logging on and then finally when I do, some people get a spam wall of me liking old shit that makes me look like a fuckin' creeper. Well I know a lot of people do this too. But I've been mainly going on and watching "reels" lately. They make me laugh.
I've taken breaks many times before and obviously I come back. This time is no different. Well maybe it is. I have left before because I struggled with shit and detachment was the only way I could keep my sanity. The latest break lasted about a year and a half. That time away was good for me, I did a lot. I feel like breaks every-so-often is necessary. Social media can be toxic. It sucks because the ones that don't seek out or contribute to the negativity are the ones that usually feel they need a break. Does it mean I'm a weak, crybaby bitch that I can't ignore the bullshit out there? A simple fix is not to completely leave but just cut back and not open the app every time. Or not to deactivate, but just delete the apps from your phone. Unfortunately for me that's not possible. If I know the account is active, I will find some way to get on and poke around. I've said it before, I often feel nosey when I do specifically go to people's pages to see what they're up to and end up scrolling and clicking on things. I know everyone one does it and that's the whole point of our profiles, feeds, stories, and photos... we share it publicly with friends and family for them to see what we're up to and hit one of the reaction buttons. No matter how much I tell myself that fact, I just can't help but feel slightly uncomfortable, for lack of a better term, when I do start scrolling. Sometimes the scrolling leads to lurking on places I shouldn't. Then the emptiness creeps up. You can tell me for days not to let things get to me, but I'm human so you're sure as shit it does. But the funny thing is that it bothers me, but then it goes away, and I'm all better. I am super anti-social so you'd figure I could give two shits about any of this and that's true for the most part. My sister says I have ADHD or something. Meh, she might be right, she knows the signs and shit and apparently it entails a lot more than what I thought ADHD deals with.
Anywhos, way off topic there...I am a part of 3 FB groups. 2 World of Warcraft and 1 Sumo. They are super active and most of my feed are of the group member's postings. When I say "most of my feed" I'm for reals talking like 90%. Actually scratch that, it has a whole shit load of annoying adds too. Then I get my friend's posts as minimal as it is. So I'm sifting through a lot of crap before I get to anything meaningful. I mean not "crap" cuz the group's posts I love. I love my WoW stuff, and since I'm not playing it right now, it makes my heart happy to see all the screen shots and reading what others are doing ingame fills my heart with such joy! ha! And of course I'm obsessed with Sumo so my sumo group puts a sumo sized smile on my face as well. Thankfully I can get my fixes for WoW and sumo on youtube. But anywhos, my point to that rambling was that despite all the good things that I choose to see on my feeds, the crap also seeps in. Yes there's negative, disgruntled, spiteful, ignorant people in all those groups and reels. I always foolishly read them forgetting that some people suck.
I'm gonna stop now because I'm sounding more and more like a someone I'd wanna slap the shit out of for complaining so much.
So to end this, I'll take my break in a day or two. I know I always say I'll keep up with this blog, but I can't guarantee that as most of my time has been taken up by work and school, and the rest is staying home being anti-social just how I like it. I'm sure I'll update things every now and again on this blog or my other ones. And I'm sure my break won't be as long as the last time.
Happy New Years Everyone! Stay weird and be safe!